Photography Wing
Young CSA Recruit
Colonel JB Walton leads the famous New Orleans brigade known as the Washington Artillery
Brigadier General Alfred Vaughan loses a leg near Atlanta after battling from Shiloh to Chickamauga
CSA Soldier
Brigadier General William Wofford fights credibly from the Peninsula through the Overland battles
Major General David Twiggs of Mexican War fame is too old and too ill to serve
Brigadier General Jeff Thompson earns his “swamp fox” nickname for raids along the Mississippi banks
Confederate Military - Civil War - South
Major General Joe Wheeler is wounded three times while commanding the Army of Tennessee cavalry
CSA Soldier
Wilcox’s rear guard action at Petersburg allows Lee to retreat westward to Appomattox
Brigadier John S. Williams sees limited cavalry action in Kentucky, Virginia and Georgia
Brigadier General David Weisiger leads the 12th Va through the Overland battles to Appomattox
Major General Henry Wise, ex-Gov of Virginia, helps defend Petersburg at the war’s end
Major General Earl Van Dorn commands the Army of Tennessee when killed by a cuckolded husband
Wilcox’s charge on July 2 at Gettysburg is beaten back only by the 1st Minnesota heroics
Brigadier General Edward Walthal is wounded at Missionary Ridge, Resaca, and Franklin
Major General Jones Withers fights in the west, most notably at Stones River
Major General Cadmus Wilcox is heavily engaged with almost all major battles fought by the ANV
Brigadier General Ambrose “Rans” Wright, who reaches the crest of Cemetery Ridge on July 2, 1863
CSA Soldier
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Major General Pierce Young is a brilliant cavalry commander from Brandy Station to Savannah